How to Write Push Notifications that Engage & Convert

44% of iOS users and 91% of Android users opt in to push notifications, * making them the #1 external channel for marketers to encourage app engagement and long-term customer retention

But creating the perfect push campaign isn’t easy.

Send too many messages and you’ll annoy your users. Send too few and your app can easily be forgotten. Fail to strike the right balance and users are likely to delete your app altogether. In fact, our survey found that nearly 30% of consumers delete an app due to excessive advertising and notifications.

To understand what today’s mobile users want, our data science team took a magnifying glass to successful push notifications to discover exactly how marketers can build the perfect messaging campaigns in 2020.

We analyzed over 300 billion push notifications to find out what works to engage today’s app users — and what doesn’t.

In this report we’ll answer questions like:

• How does the platform aect engagement?

• What benchmark open rates should dierent app verticals expect?

• How long should push notifications be?

• Which words and emojis boost engagement?

• When’s the ideal time to send notifications?

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